Had an awesome, wonderful, sweet Mother’s day! the best husband in the universe got me stunning roses, the kids got me cards that broke my heart. After spending the day at a water park, we got the kids tucked in to bed all nice an early. Rather then draw I piddled around cleaning my drafting table and rearranging my wacom and computer space. Grrrr.  You know…Avoidance mode!!
So it doesn’t matter how dirty the house is (apparently that isn’t going to get fixed until the kids are off to college) I have to learn to:
1. get more organized
2. it really IS easier buy clothes rather then do laundry (AND FOLD) and put them all away for a family of 5… so I surrender!
3. It doesn’t matter how tired you are, all the other things around you’ve got to do…
Work on your art.
Work on your art.
Just a bit a day.
My goal this year still 1 page a week, 16 pages an issue, 3 full issues a year. I….gotta draw a lot more.
So over my computer area, drafting table, screen saver on my phone and tablet is my Bruce Tim…
So off to doodle for a bit.
So over my computer area, drafting table, screen saver on my phone and tablet is my Bruce Tim…
So off to doodle for a bit.

Oh, but I DID have to watch Game of Thrones! We are addicted to this show!
I’ve not read ‘Dance with Dragons” — kinda got the same thing going on with this series as I do with the Potter series–I can’t read the last books. It’s a quirk.
But Martin give one of the best character driven stories EVER.
Did you know it also makes a great drinking game?
thought not…read on!