Love the birds

Love the birds.Gotta throw in a few more birds. Here’s a pelican and a african crowned crane.This girl was just sitting listening to her CD player. She was kinda lost in her own world in a guys please check me out kinda way.Here’s some folks.A cool gator...

The British are coming!!

A game Barry and I like to play whenever we are out and about is…spot the Brits. I dunno, maybe it’s the black socks and sandals, maybe it’s the ‘football’ jersey’s they wear, the obviously painful sunburns they sport, or all the...

This joke I got from a forum I visit frequently: Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed.” “OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s...

It’s MY web page now!

Woohoo! I got my own web spot! Thanks once again to Barry for setting this all up for me. I guess it’s more of a blog spot then a web page, but I’ll have a lot of my art that I’m doing as well as notes and stuff on day to day happenings.I kinda...