Monster Monday!

Monster Monday!

I finished today’s monster mania.  I’m not particularly fond of my colors–I hardly ever am.  I’m NOT a computer colorist but I’m trying to get more comfortable with that. Adding the Invisible Man was a last minute thing....
Opposites attack

Opposites attack

I’m a sucker for love and romance–I’m luck that I have the most wonderful husband in the universe and get to feel loved everyday. I try to always incorporate something about relationships in every piece I do–even when the objects I at first...
October means back to the drawing board!

October means back to the drawing board!

I’ve been participating in a couple different online events as well as the regular comic book and sketch card stuff. Since it’s Halloween I’ve dove into #drawlloween, #inktober, and #31daysofhallween ! Here’s my posts so far:
Guess who’s going to WonderCon?!?

Guess who’s going to WonderCon?!?

Some awesome and very welcome news! I’ll be attending WonderCon 2015!! April 3-5!Not sure of my table location just yet –those are still being assigned. But this is…SCHWEET! We are most likely going to make it an all girl trip–Me, Chloe and...
Far too long!

Far too long!

Yipes!  It’s been far too long since I’ve posted.  My apologies. No way to catch up on everything so let’s just jump to what’s current and go from there. New stuff: New card set coming out in February.  I got to do 30 cards and...
Downton Abby–Gregory style

Downton Abby–Gregory style

So I just finished a really fun sketch card project but I can’t show ’em until they are printed.  It was a great opportunity and I got to stretch my art a bit.  I also got to do a bit of cheesecake.  That was really different for me!...

This weekend I will be at @tampabaycomicexpo ! I’ll be showcasing my new series Summoner.  I’ll also have DreamWalker series books as well as original art and other books. I will be at table A24 ! I won’t be there all day on Friday–most likely...
Summoner is here!

Summoner is here!

Available as of today my NEW series Summoner officially launches! I’ve gussied ‘er up, patted it on the bottom & sent it out the public door. What is Summoner about?  Jayne Sinclair is a Summoner. Hers is the ability to summon the spirits of the...