Celebrating Fox’s 7th Birthday!

Celebrating Fox’s 7th Birthday!

I am slowly coming down from a serious sugar  high!  Faaaaar too much cake was ingested tonight while celebrating our son’s 7th.  How proud of him I am! I love to just sit and watch him...

Had an awesome, wonderful, sweet Mother’s day!  the best husband in the universe got me stunning roses, the kids got me cards that broke my heart.  After spending the day at a water park, we got the kids tucked in to bed all nice an early. Rather then draw I...

I see a bad moon a risin’…

AwEsomely fun day. Hung out at Ka-Blam , made with some comic book work, saw Avengers (LOVED IT!–NOTE: stay to the very, very end well past the traditional credits–just sayin’). Snuggled w/ the family tonight– Pure BLISS! Being the nerds and...

Seer update and another sneak peek…

Seer is almost done. Here’s a sneak peek at page 1 Poor Barry on top of his non-stop Ka-blam stuff, for the last couple of days my man has been coloring and lettering the book at a mad pace. I love him madly, and owe him big time.

WonderCon and the debut of Seer looms ever closer!

We’re gearing up for our big family trip to California! I can’t wait to see my family and hang out with my sisters. We’re also getting ready for our first time showing at WonderCon with old and new books in tow! Barry and I stayed up faaaaar too late working on...

California here we come!! WONDERCON 2012!

We get to go to our first major convention WITH a new series launching for the first time in years! I’m very happy to announce that Barry and I will be attending WonderCon March 16-18!! My Mom and sisters live in So Cal, so I get to combine time with family, our...

Grab a heapin’ helping of Dark Mischief!!

IndyPlanet URL: http://www.indyplanet.com/index.php?id=6333 It is with great pleasure I get to let you know that Dark Mischief Vol 1 is now available for purchase at IndyPlanet.com http://www.indyplanet.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=6333 Dark Mischief Vol 1...